Welcome & Subscribe
The Molly McCann Memo is a monthly update on important legal and political issues.
In the days after the 2020 election, I wrote an almost daily update on my website that kept the grassroots informed on the quickly changing election results and the status of the ensuing legal battles. I took a hiatus from political activity to clerk, which is when those updates stopped. Now that I am back in private practice, I have decided to launch a monthly newsletter.
This is The Molly McCann Memo. I will send out a monthly update on the issues I think are most important to the America First movement.
You can also follow me on my social media accounts where I post more frequent and timely updates, including Twitter/GETTR (@molmccann) and Instagram (@mol.mccann) where I post video updates on legal and political issues.
Thank you for subscribing to and sharing my Memo!
Thank you for your work.
Thank you!